Saturday, April 18, 2009

Concert & Dance Party with The Georges Lammam Ensemble

An Evening of Arabic Music and Oriental-Style Belly Dance in SF / North Beach

Featuring The Georges Lammam Ensemble

With special guest dance
Suzy Brisbin of Canada,
Jacqui Lalita of LA, and more!


Two Shows: 7pm - 9pm & 10pm - Midnight
At Pena Pachamama
1630 Powell Street, San Francisco


The Georges Lammam Ensemble, arguably the most popular Arabic music ensemble in the U.S., led by violin virtuoso Georges Lammam, will play popular Arabic music, as well as original compositions and favorite dance tunes in this popular North Beach venue on Saturday, May 2, 2009.

Some of the best Oriental-style belly dancers on the West coast will pe
rform with the Ensemble, including some students of Egyptian choreographer Yousry Sharif: Suzy Brisbin of Canada, Jacqui Lalita of LA, Hala of Egypt, Alessandra of Brazil, Masha of the Ukraine, Melanie of New York, and Sumaya of Argentina. Dazzling young flamenco dancer Carole Acuna opens at 7pm.

Pena Pachamama features traditional and innovative Bolivian cuisine in this charmingly intimate and authentic North Beach location. Reservations recommended: Call Pena Pacha Mama at 415-646-0018

Yousry Sharif Master Class: May 2 & 3, 2009

May 2-3, 2009

Yousry Sharif is a superb and unique choreographer, dancer and teacher who, while staying true to the Egyptian tradition and spirit, has created a magnificent arena for Oriental Dance thanks to his acute sensitivity to music and movement, and his very special and unsurpassed charisma. He is truly one of the most important master artists in Egyptian Raqs Sharqi, who commands a huge following everywhere he goes. Born in Cairo, he started his career in Egypt, where he performed in many movies and shows with the most well-known artists at that time, including Nagwa Fouad, Hassan Affifi, Mohmmed Kahlil, and Warda. In 1981 he moved to New York City, USA, where he founded his very own Egyptian Academy of Oriental Dance, which up to this day still provides an effective platform for coaching and directing troupes from all over the world.

Comments from Yousry Sharif's 2007 Workshop in Santa Cruz, CA:

"an amazingly full weekend of absolutely stunning dance instruction, performance & music. Yousry's workshop was even more fabulous & inspirational than ever- He just keeps getting better over the years!"

"Yousry's workshops were fabulous! Absolutely brilliant choreographies!"

"As for the workshops with has been years since I have felt so inspired and enthralled with a teacher. I love it when an instructor really calls upon you to bring your personal best to your studies. Moreover, as much as I appreciate and love American devotees of this art form -- there is simply no replacement for the cultural and emotional transmission of information that occurred during that workshop. Yousry has such an intense, full-body connection to the music and dance -- that simply bearing witness is in and of itself a learning experience."

Palo Alto Workshop: May 2 & 3
Mr. Sharif will teach a unique choreography he will develop especially for this workshop. Mr. Sharif's signature style combines his own rich background in Saidi and other folkloric dances of Egypt and the Middle East, with modern Oriental dance styles, as well as jazz, modern, and other ethnic influences (tango, flamenco, salsa, etc.) The choreography will be started on Saturday, and completed and practiced/polished on Sunday. Dancers are encouraged, but not required, to attend both days. If you can only attend one day, we highly recommend attending Saturday so as not to be behind on Sunday. This workshop is appropriate for intermediate to advanced level dancers and teachers, although all are welcome. Some experience in Egyptian/Middle Eastern dance is recommended but not required. Advance registration highly recommended. Register by mail or paypal via